TENTU is an aggregation service for Open Data and RSS feed dataset content, that uses Automatic Text Classification technologies which allow them to be offered in georeferenced format, bilingually (Basque and Spanish), and adapted for multi-device mobility (APP for smartphone, Tablet and PC) with multi-source information, on a subscription basis and individually customisable. TENTU offers multi-source information, originating from 700 public and private RSS sources, basing its services on subscription/geographic parameterisation and individual topics with the functional capacity to provide a performance that is similar to that provided by social media based on interests.
At present it captures information from 700 RSS sources in Basque and Spanish and classifies and offers this information categorised into 31 topics and georeferenced according to 523 municipalities in the Basque Country and Nafarroa. TENTU uses Automatic Text Classification technologies, also known as Topic Spotting, it employs a smart lemmatiser engine that centres on topical taxonomies, and is capable of automatically assigning a specific target topic to the captured content so as to offer it to service subscribers according to 30 topics.

TENTU delivers all the information collected to the subscriber, according to the topics selected. Each subscriber will receive a ‘Unique Service’ in terms of content, which is selected according to a profile customised to their wishes and adapted to the type of device selected for processing.
It is likely that during the launch and consolidation process of the TENTU Service that the source of the information destined for the TENTU Service will change. Initially, the study of the benchmarking references and our own reflections have lead us to the following potential sources:
- Automatic exploitation of RSS Feeds.
- Contributions from Institutions and Companies.
- Contributions from associations, NGOs and other volunteer organisations.
- Contributions from citizens.

It should be highlighted that there is a significant amount of information that does not manage to find its way to society, or has difficulties doing so. As a result we suspect that there could be a favourable repercussion from the contribution of content to TENTU by the communications and marketing managers of Institutions, Companies and Associations provided the insertion of the content, its integrity and transmission to citizens with adequate levels of quality can be guaranteed.
Therefore, through these services, the Personalised Digital Magazine would offer Society (individuals, groups, companies and administrations) a mechanism to disseminate specialised and structured information, aimed at groups interested in that type of information. TENTU is therefore a mechanism for pairing information provided by a “group interested in the creation of information” and delivered to a “group interested in receiving such information”.