Operational Programme for Youth Employment in the Basque Country 2014-2020

The Etorkizuna Elkarrekin Eraikiz (E3!) Project was presented by EPS-MU and ISEA S.COOP., at the call for applications for cofunding from the European Social Fund, and falls within the regional section of the Operational Programme for Youth Employment in the Basque Country 2014-2020, managed by the Department for Employment and Social Policy of the Government of the Basque Country.

E3! project Etorkizuna Elkarrekin Eraikiz!

Etorkizuna Elkarrekin Eraikiz! (E3!) is a structured process for the purpose of assessing the technical feasibility and market of projects presented by companies for generating short-term business opportunities, capable of becoming a reality through entrepreneurial projects with a technological base, led by young unemployed persons with highly qualified backgrounds that provide the specific skills to provide a response to a technological challenge or a specific market.

The virtuality of E3! is what causes the entrepreneurial activity of qualified young people to merge with the intra-entrepreneurial processes of MONDRAGON companies within the framework of a synergistic and structured process. With the support obtained from the European Social Fund, the Etorkizuna Elkarrekin Eraikiz (E3!) initiative will fund the project for the next three years (2016-2018).